562 Million People Across the Globe Own Some or Various Forms of Digital Currencies

A new report reveals that 562 million people globally now own digital currencies, an increase from 420 million in 2023, making up 6.8% of the world’s population. Asia is at the forefront of this growth, with North America close behind. Overall, cryptocurrency adoption is rising worldwide, with notable increases seen across all continents.

Triple A, a fintech company that enables businesses to process digital currency payments and payouts, recently published a report, titled “The State of Global Cryptocurrency Ownership in 2024,” showing an “in-depth look at cryptocurrency ownership trends across the global and their evolving role within the financial ecosystem.”

The report further highlights that cryptocurrency ownership in South America surged from 25.5 million to 55.2 million, a 116.5% increase. Europe also saw significant growth, with numbers rising from 30.7 million to 49.2 million, a 60.3% increase. Africa experienced a moderate rise from 40.1 million to 43.5 million, an 8.5% increase. In Oceania, interest more than doubled, growing from 1.4 million to 3.0 million, a 114.3% increase. 


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