
Management consultancy is a set of measures aimed at ensuring stable business development. This service aims to solve customer problems on the basis of our knowledge and know-how and focuses on improving the efficiency of a company's operations and identifying and eliminating external and internal factors that hinder this.

What are the objectives of the service?

  • Improving the quality of work of the company's management departments;
  • Finding points of convergence between the interests of the organisation and society;
  • Development of progressive management techniques;
  • Assistance in decision-making in times of external (economic) and/or internal changes in the company;
  • Work on the development of a business development plan.

As part of our management consultancy* we offer you the following services::

  • Developing your business activities
  • Planning, analysis and opportunities for business expansion
  • Cost optimisation
  • Consultation in the area of financing *
  • Corporate communication (advertising, sales promotion, PR)
  • Recruitment
  • Import and export consultancy between countries of the CIS, the EU, the Middle East, the Far East, Asian, Northern and South American regions, etc. *

* We only advise clients to the extent permitted by law. For in-depth legal or tax advice, we will recommend competent and experienced lawyers or tax advisers.

You can make an appointment with us in person or send us a written request by email and we will get back to you as soon as possible. If you have questions or need more information, please contact us. We are here to help you.


Representative Office in London.
1 Mark Square
London EC2A 4EG
United Kingdom

Tel:+44 203 807 20 99

Tel:+49 304 669 00 55

Hours: Mon-Fri 09:00 to 18:00

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