IBFS - years of experience, proven reliability, rapid development

IBFS International Group has a long history and years of experience. The Company was incorporated in the spring of 1956 by a group of graduates-lawyers from the London University. Originally the company was called W. & N.D. Baker Limited and provided exclusively legal services in civil and criminal matters. Over time, the office on Romford road began receiving orders for the conduct of complex cases in finance and economics, the resolution of tax disputes, etc.
In 1978 the company was reorganized. The list of services was significantly expanded by IBFS Experts. One of the priorities of the company became a providing of services to the business, financial and industrial structures. Since that time IBFS opened several offices abroad.
In 2006, IBFS celebrated its fiftieth anniversary. By this time, the company had its offices and branches in almost all major developed countries. IBFS large network enables the company to solve problems of any level of complexity, taking into account the features of national legal orders as well as international legal norms and traditions of trade.
In 2011, the company entered the Russian market. By this time in the portfolio IBFS already had a lot of orders from major Russian companies and financial-industrial groups. In fact, the opening of an office in the Russian Federation was the next phase of development, aimed at improving service and expanding the list of services for Russian customers.
Important dates:

  • 1956 - the year the company was founded IBFS (W. & ND Baker Limited)
  • 1978 - The reorganization of the company
  • 2006 - the fiftieth anniversary, offices in all global financial centers
  • 2006 - the beginning of the Russian Federation in IBFS
  • 2011 - the opening of a Russian general representation IBFS CIS countries and Eastern Europe

Heads of directions

Grigori Ginzburg
Head of International Department (Berlin)

Andreas Vollenweider
Tax and Finance Department Director (Luxembourg)

Katerina Hadjikyriacou
Head of Corporate Services (Cyprus)

Antonios Evangelou
Head of Audit department (Latvia)

Emil Tsunizhov
Tax and Finance Department Director (Paris)

Franklinos Andreou
Head of Bank Account Opening Department (London)

Maureen Chan
Head of Company Registration Department (Shanghai)

Rebecca So
Accounting and Audit preparation specialist (Shanghai)

Jay Lau
Head of Company Registration Department (Hong Kong)

David Lam
Head of Bank Account Opening Department (Hong Kong)

Osim Kosimzoda
Head of Company Registration Department (New York)

Tatiana Zagarenko
Head of Bank Account Opening Department (Ukraine)



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